Our stylishly crafted dual-focal reading glasses enable near and far distance vision and come in various reader strengths.
The secret is in the dividing line between the focal points. Our dual-focal glasses have a high-quality reading area at the bottom of the lens, with the top part of the lens clear (no magnification). And the "near no-line" dual-focal lens is less rigid than traditional bifocals for a smoother line, smoother vision transition, and less noticeable look.
Note: The dual-focal (bifocal) portion of the lens is visible (as depicted in the actual close-up photo), but the line is buffed out for a smoother look and feel.
Read a small label, read a book, and see in the distance all with one pair of readers. No more switching glasses for different activities.
About Blue Light
Computer and smartphone overexposure is on the rise as electronics are used more and more each day. The "blue light" emitted from screens has been proven to have harmful effects on vision, leading to headaches, trouble sleeping, and eye strain.
The solution to blue light exposure is specially coated lens glasses that block harmful rays and eliminate the side effects.
Wear them over contacts or as stand-alone glasses or readers. The smooth lines and arc design is optimized for comfort.
4 colors to choose from.
Light Scarlet
Bright Black
Choosing a reading strength is simple. Just select the same strength as you would a standard pair of reading glasses off the shelf at the store.
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